
July 23, 2020
Dimension Data – ahead of Mandela Day – launched an Intelligent Security Blanket Drive to protect the vulnerable, and due to the very sad reality that so many are out in the cold, have decided to run it for an extra ten days until Tuesday July 28th.                     ...
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Johannesburg, South Africa: BIC, a world leader in stationery, lighters, and shavers, has pooled its resources in support of healthcare workers across the globe. These efforts include manufacturing personal protective equipment (PPE) and donating more than R26 million worth of writing instruments, colouring products, and razors to support local communities, hospitals, children and the homeless...
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By JP Landman In a time of intense contestation on the correct economic policy for South Africa, economists from the left, right and centre all agree on one thing: productivity matters. As left of centre and self-proclaimed progressive Paul Krugman put it: ‘Productivity is not everything, but in the long run it is almost everything.’...
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Steuart as a speaker


Steuart has done some 500 talks on South Africa’s progress since 1994 and SA’s prospects for the future

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