The ten foundational principles
8. All parties to the GNU commit to uphold the following fundamental principles:
8.1 Respect for the Constitution, the Bill of Rights in its entirety, a united South Africa and the rule of law.
8.2 Non-racialism and non-sexism.
8.3 Social justice, redress and equity, and the alleviation of poverty.
8.4 Human dignity and the progressive realisation of socioeconomic rights.
8.5 Nation-building, social cohesion and unity in diversity.
8.6 Peace, stability and safe communities, especially for women and children.
8.7 Accountability, transparency and community participation in government.
8.8 Evidence-based policy and decision-making.
8.9 A professional, merit-based, non-partisan, developmental public service that puts people first.
8.10 Integrity, good governance and accountable leadership.
The nine priorities
As Parties to this GNU, we agree that the 7th administration should focus on the following priorities:
11.1 Rapid, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, the promotion of fixed capital investment and industrialization, job creation, transformation, livelihood support, land reform, infrastructure development, structural reforms and transformational change, fiscal sustainability, and the sustainable use of our national resources and endowments. Macro-economic management must support national development goals in a sustainable manner.
11.2 Creating a more just society by tackling poverty, spatial inequalities, food security and the high cost of living, providing a social safety net, improving access to and the quality of basic services, and protecting workers’ rights.
11.3 Stabilising local government, effective cooperative governance, the assignment of appropriate responsibilities to different spheres of government and review of the role of traditional leadership in the governance framework.
11.4 Investing in people through education, skills development and affordable quality health care.
11.5 Building state capacity and creating a professional, merit based, corruption-free and developmental public service. Restructuring and improving state-owned entities to meet national development goals.
11.6 Strengthening law enforcement agencies to address crime, corruption and gender-based violence, as well as strengthening national security capabilities.
11.7 Strengthening the effectiveness of Parliament in respect of its legislative and oversight functions.
11.8 Strengthening social cohesion, nation-building and democratic participation, and undertaking common programmes against racism, sexism, tribalism and other forms of intolerance.
11.9 Foreign policy based on human rights, constitutionalism, the national interest, solidarity, peaceful resolution of conflicts, to achieve the African Agenda 2063, South-South, North-South and African cooperation, multilateralism and a just, peaceful and equitable world.