Celebrating Youth Day through Donations – By Thabo Mothlabi

By Thabo Mothlabi

Money is not the only commodity that is fun to give. We can give our time, we can provide our expertise, we can give our love, or simply give a smile. Face of Gauteng semi-finalists 2024 Kutlwano Tumisi recently donated to the Girls Grow Group organization based at Kagiso 1. Hosted at 557 Nagathole Street.

June 16 in the South African calendar is considered Youth Month to commemorate the 1976 black students demonstrations  against the Apartheid regime over the forced use of Afrikaans as a teaching  language.  The result was a bloodbath between Apartheid police and demonstrating students with many killed . That was the turning point in the South African history till today.

Kutlwano Tumisi was born and bred at Kagiso 1. A thin little girl, she grew up in this impoverished community raised by a single mother. She is deeply aware of the struggles of this community and how survival on daily basis is difficult for those who depend on social grants. Believing it  was time to give back to the community she grew up in and as a way to saying thank you Tumisi chose 16 June to commemorate the black fallen heroes by giving to the less fortunate. Her mother taught her the how to be self-less and giving without expecting anything back. The collected donations were meant to make a difference in the lives of young children especially as its winter season and most of their parents can’t afford to buy warm clothing.

As the Miss Face OF Gauteng semi-finalist 2024 Kutlwano Tumisi said, “I did love to see young girls becoming more confident, despite their insecurities, they can still make it. I was not always the girl you see today; it took me time to accept my flaws. I fought for the little girl who I was, and for those who she wanted me to be, and for I know she would have applauded me for who I’ve become”.

I was a memorable day these young children believing it possible to rise from Ashes to Glory. It was a day full of love, joy and fun and their innocent faces would tell the story

As the Founder of Girls Grow Group Mrs. Nthabiseng Nalena said,” I want to thank Kutlwano for these donations to our organization, it will make a big difference in their lives as many of them are from child headed families, depending on social grants of their grandparents to survive. This will go a long way and we are proud that she didn’t forget where she came from. We will continue to support her in her endeavors and will wish to see her win the current pageant for 2024’.

At the end of the donations, Kutlwano asked them to continue to vote for her in order to win and also encouraged them to focus on their school work and talent.