Remgro Sponsors 115 Freehold Title Deeds

Despite Covid, 115 residents in Zwelethemba, Worcester WC, to receive title deeds and become home owners

In a  first for the Breede River Municipality,  the community of Zwelethemba, Worcester in the Western Cape, will receive 115 fully freehold title deeds in a ceremony that will take place over two dates, 9 and 17 February 2021 to comply with Covid-19 regulations.  Sponsored by Remgro Ltd, the creation of 115 new home owners are the result of a partnership between the Municipality, Remgro Ltd and the Free Market Foundation’s (FMF) Khaya Lam (my Home) Land Reform Project.

The Breede Municipality Mayor Antoniette Steyn, Deputy Mayor Elein Sheldon, and Free Market Foundation Director Temba Nolutshungu will attend.

The Breede River project is part of a major initiative by the sponsor, Remgro Ltd, to help the Western Cape municipalities address problematic housing projects, which culminate in a tradable title deed for the resident. Sponsors such as Remgro Ltd, fill the gap where the local municipality has neither the funding nor the capacity to resolve the backlog in title deeds. This is a perfect example of a public/private partnership designed to empower the previously disadvantaged of our country.

Among the beneficiaries are 90-year old Mrs Nomthandazo Christina Nqakana, whose dream has always been to own her home, and, the youngest, 24 year old Ms Nontsikelelo Mihlali Daliwe.

The reality of Covid-19 means that the usual formal presentation ceremony cannot take place. The 115 deeds will be presented at four different venues and at different times so as to minimise the risk of infection. “The arrangements are not ideal but Covid has the final say. We are, therefore, merely going to hand the titles over and sign a register with the beneficiaries on arrival –  in and out. I will be attending all four sessions,” said Mayor Steyn.

Nolutshungu said, “Having legally titled ownership of a house, which becomes a home in a holistic sense invested with pride, is the single most catalytic stimulus for socioeconomic self-empowerment.  Of significance is that the legally titled property becomes part of the economy at a stroke of the Deeds Registry’s pen.”

The Khaya Lam Land Reform Project facilitates the transfer of freehold title deeds. Home ownership and a tradeable title leads to  greater economic activity and a revitalisation of our country’s economy. The Khaya Lam initiative has completed over 10,400 title deeds and is committed to reach 34,000 at this point.

For over 40 years, the FMF has championed the cause of converting the various forms of Apartheid title found in the townships to full, unambiguous ownership for the current tenants.