West Rand Schools came together for traditional Indigenous Games – By Thabo Motlhabi

By Thabo Motlhabi

It’s the Youth of today that will be responsible for shaping our future.

About 120 WestRand schools learners packed Munsenville sports complex to engage in traditional Indigenous Games organised by the Provincial Department of Sport, Art and Culture on 1 Saturday July 2023

Munsenville sports ground was the place to be as community members took their free time to come and support youth participating in exciting and fun traditional African games such as dibeke stick fighting and khokho.

The aim was to encourage young people from WestRand to participate in African traditional sport. In this way they will put aside who they are and where they come from, while they focus on their traditions. In each category, winners will be chosen to represent WestRand in the national tournament scheduled for September 2023

As the coordinator for the Indigenous Games Federation Mr. Yongama Ndabebi said, “ we are proud to witness hundreds of youngsters coming to the sports complex to showcase their talents, we hope more institutions and sports clubs will follow suit.  It is more than enabling young people to compete for prizes and enjoying the competition. We realise that in most cases it’s the generation before them that is familiar with this sport, so we want them to continue to keep the activities alive in the interests of tradition.”

At the end of the games, winners were presented with small prizes.