World Day of Remembrance
2020 Target: Reduce road fatalities AND serious injuries by 50%
SADD joins the international road safety community to commemorate World Day of Remembrance, scheduled for Sunday the 19th November 2017.
We sincerely hope you will be proactive and join us by having ceremonies or church services around this time. Please contact us for more details 082 821 3673 or
This event is dedicated to remembering the many millions killed and injured in road crashes and their families and communities, as well as to pay tribute to the dedicated emergency crews, police, and medical professionals who daily deal with the traumatic aftermath of road death and injury.
Road deaths and injuries are sudden, violent, traumatic events, the impact of which is long-lasting, often permanent.
Every year in South Africa, about 18 000 people are killed, and 150 000 injured in car crashes. Alcohol causes 60% of these crashes – twice the world average.
The burden of grief and distress experienced by this huge number of people is all the greater because many of the victims are young; because many of the crashes could and should have been prevented; and because the response to road death and injury and to victims and families is often inadequate, unsympathetic, and inappropriate to the loss of life or quality of life.
This special Remembrance Day is intended to respond to the great need of road crash victims for public recognition of their loss and suffering, as well as to be proactive and discuss basic road safety like buckling up, driving sober, and using roadworthy vehicles etc.
Prayer and Thoughts for the World Day of Remembrance for Road Crash Victims
Introduction for a Service
We have come together with a common purpose, to remember those who have been killed on our roads, and those who have been injured in body and mind.
In bringing our remembrance before God, we seek his gift of hope.
Let us also have in our minds and hearts all who use the roads, and especially the men and women who work for their safety and well-being, and those who devote themselves to rescue and healing.
If you would like other prayers please contact SADD.
Did you know?
Caro Smit is a member of the Board of the International Road Victims Partnership from September 2017
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Donate to SADD and help us in our work in education on road safety, awareness and victim support.
Thank you to all our supporters
Thank you to everyone who supports SADD in whatever way, whether through donating or joining the MySchool MyVillage MyPlanet programme and donating for SADD when you shop or by supporting Litres for Education and donating to SADD when you fill up with petrol.
Thank you also to our corporate sponsors: